Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit [DVD]
Animated family feature produced and directed by Lijun Sun. Featuring the voice talents of Jon Heder, Tom Arnold and Michael Clarke Duncan the film tells the story of a young rabbit who is telepathically given kung fu powers after saving the life of a martial arts master. Not knowing what to do with his new-found skills, Fu (Heder) simply improves in the area he knows best: food. His superior cooking skills don't go unnoticed however, and he is enlisted into the kung fu academy to try to save it from the evil Slash (Clarke Duncan).
Product | Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit [DVD] |
Format: | DVD |
Catalogue No: | SIG217 |
Studio: | Signature Entertainment |
Certification: | PG |
Release Date: | 2014-08-11 |
Region: | Region 2 |
Duration: | 89 minutes |
Discs: | 1 disc(s) |
Produced (year): | 2011 |
Colour: | Colour |
Extras: | Language(s): English|Interactive Menu |
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