Chris Rock writes, directs and stars in this contemporary comedy as Andre Allen, a struggling comic and film star who is desperate to breathe some new life into his career. Andre finds himself disenchanted by the prospect of his reality TV star fiancée (Gabrielle Union)'s plans to broadcast their wedding on her show. However, he is forced to spend some time with Chelsea Brown (Rosario Dawson), a journalist reporting on his latest movie, and the more Andre realises he is disappointed with where his career and personal life are headed, the more he tries to change things...
Product | Top Five [DVD] |
Format: | DVD |
Catalogue No: | PHE1987 |
Studio: | Paramount Home Entertainment |
Certification: | 15 |
Release Date: | 2015-08-31 |
Region: | Region 2 |
Duration: | 102 minutes |
Discs: | 1 disc(s) |
Produced (year): | 2014 |
Colour: | Colour |
Extras: | Language(s): English|Interactive Menu |
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